Recommended Supplies for Students to Bring:
Graphite pencils (a range from 2B and softer)
White chalk pencil (i.e. General’s white “charcoal” pencil, Cretacolor white chalk
pencil, or a white pastel pencil)
Pencil sharpener
Erasers: Polymer, kneaded rubber, and a stick eraser (so useful)
Vine or Willow Charcoal (just a few sticks will be fine)
Soft charcoal pencil(s)
Lyra water soluble 6B crayon (add a 9B if you like—it is rich and dark)
Lyra graphite crayon sharpener (pricey, but it’s worth it)
Small watercolor palette with 4-6 wells
Watercolor brushes (variety; student quality is fine)
1” to 2” brush for applying gesso (foam or bristle)
Fine sandpaper
Drawing board minimum size of 18x24” (a sheet of smooth Masonite/mason board
works well)
Masking tape (or similar) to tape paper to drawing board
Spray workable fixative
Wet wipes/baby wipes (charcoal is very messy)
Photo for first face drawing; a photocopy is perfect. Instructor will have options to
work from available.
Two Photos: family members, friend or self-portrait (you want to make these
Optional Items to Bring:
Items to create texture such as texture plates, stencils, hardy branches and leaves,
unexpected items from around your home
Hair dryer
Table easel
Materials Fee: $15
The instructor will provide:
Birch Panels 9x12
Drawing paper 80 lb, 9x12
Strathmore toned, 300 gsm paper 18x24
Clear gesso
Black pastel stick (3 per student)
White gouache
Photocopies of faces for drawing reference
Variety of textural tools, interesting surface
options, dry and water-soluble drawing media