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GW - Enhancing Student Reflection: Strengthening the 5 Essential DCAP Components
February 19 - 6th St - Enhancing Student Reflection

Learn how to foster deeper, more consistent student reflection that aligns with the core goals of DCAP, supporting both academic and personal development.

Here are some things you can look forward to:

  • Understand the role of student reflection in DCAP

    Identify effective reflection strategies for each DCAP component


    Develop tools to promote consistent student reflection c

    ollaborate on reflection techniques to address diverse learner needs


    Create an action plan to integrate reflection into classroom practice

Important Session Information:

To register:

  1. Sign in (on the left)
  2. Scroll down and select your "credit type & fee"
  3. Scroll up and select "register" 

Session Notes:

Registration ends at 11:59 PM on Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Session ID:
8 / 45
Credit Type & Fee 
Date Time Location
2/19/2025 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM AEA 10 Sixth Street Facility - 6th St - Autumn Rm., Autumn Room - 6th St - Autumn Rm.
4401 6th Street SW, Cedar Rapids, 52404
4401 Sixth Street SW, Cedar Rapids IA 52404 | Phone 319-399-6700 |
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