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GW - Substitute Authorization Course
June 2025 - Zoom - Substitute Authorization

This course is designed to meet the requirements for the Substitute Authorization. The course addresses the four components required by the Board of Educational Examiners: 

Classroom Management - participants will develop an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior that will enable them to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation. 

Strategies for Learning - participants will develop skills to use a variety of learning strategies that encourage student development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills. 

Diversity - participants will develop an understanding of how students differ in their approaches to learning, will be able to create learning opportunities that are equitable and are adaptable to diverse learners, and will develop an understanding of the diversity within the classroom. 

Ethics - participants will develop an understanding of how to foster relationships with parents, school colleagues, and organizations in the larger community to support student learning and development and become aware of the Board''s Rules of Professional Practice and Code of Ethics. 

Upon successful completion of the program the participant may apply to the Board of Educational Examiners for authorization to substitute teach. Iowa licensure also requires a state and federal background check. Receiving a Substitute Authorization will allow an individual to substitute PK-12. Additional licensure application and background check fees will apply. 

**NOTE: This course is not appropriate for teachers to take for license renewal. 

***NOTE: This course is not for RENEWAL of a Substitute Authorization (you can only take this course one time.) 

There are no penalties through the BOEE for letting your Substitute Authorization expire. However, you cannot substitute on an expired authorization. 

Important Session Information:


*Substitute Teacher Handbook, 10th Ed.:  

Here is a link that will take participants to the page where they can order the Substitute Teacher Handbook, 10th Ed.: (don''t let the "8th-edition" throw you off. Our programmers never updated it, but the only handbook we have is the newest edition.)


*This is a required handbook that must be purchased on your own by participants to complete the course.

 Out of class assignments and participation in class activities

Session Notes:

Participants are required to order the following handbook. The Grant Wood AEA PD Office will also distribute a course manual. Substitute Teacher Handbook, 10th Ed.: Here is a link that will get your folks directly to the page where they can order the Substitute Teacher Handbook, 10th Ed.: (don't let the "8th-edition" in there throw you off. Our programmers never updated it, but the only handbook we have is the newest edition.)
Registration ends at 11:59 PM on Thursday, May 29, 2025

Session ID:
1 / 25
Credit Type & Fee 
Date Time Location
6/3/2025 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Zoom - Zoom
4401 6th Street SW, Cedar Rapids, 52404
6/4/2025 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Zoom - Zoom
4401 6th Street SW, Cedar Rapids, 52404
6/10/2025 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Zoom - Zoom
4401 6th Street SW, Cedar Rapids, 52404
6/11/2025 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Zoom - Zoom
4401 6th Street SW, Cedar Rapids, 52404
6/12/2025 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Zoom - Zoom
4401 6th Street SW, Cedar Rapids, 52404
4401 Sixth Street SW, Cedar Rapids IA 52404 | Phone 319-399-6700 |
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