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GW - Grades 5-8 FOSS Science Best Practices & One Unit Exploration
Feb 13, 2025 - 33rd Ave - 5-8 Foss

In this full day of learning, both new and experienced FOSS teachers will go over best practices for science instruction and plan for one FOSS unit. Teachers will explore the hands-on kit materials, curriculum planning guides, and additional digital resources for a chosen unit. Take advantage of this opportunity to fine tune your science instructional plans for your next FOSS kit.

Any educator who attended a previous round of FOSS workshops from this 24-25 school year has multiple options to consider provided in the required survey below in lieu of best practices previously covered. 

Complete the required survey to indicate which FOSS unit you choose for this workshop. (Note, this link is NOT the required registration form. Complete the required registration AND this survey.)

Workshop Fee: $120


Important Session Information:

Participants need to bring a laptop.

Session Notes:

Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
2 / 24
Maria Hasken-Averkamp
Session Fees:
Credit Type & Fee 
Date Time Location
2/13/2025 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM AEA 10 - 33rd Avenue Facility - Naples
1120 33rd Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, 52404
4401 Sixth Street SW, Cedar Rapids IA 52404 | Phone 319-399-6700 |
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