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GW - Advanced Behavioral Assessments: Preference Assessments
April 2025 - 33rd Ave

This workshop will provide information on the direct assessment measure of preference
assessments. Assessing student preferences assists in developing behavior intervention plans for
students who display behavioral challenges at school. Five types of research-based preference
assessment protocols will be explored. Preference assessments that will be taught and practiced
include: Free Operant Preference Assessment, Single Stimulus Preference Assessment, Paired
Stimulus Preference Assessment, Multiple Stimulus with Replacement, and Multiple Stimulus
without Replacement. The day will include an introduction and practice with each assessment,
including how to collect data and how to choose which assessment to use with students.
Participants should plan to fully attend and complete all activities.

Important Session Information:

Session Notes:

Registration ends at 11:59 PM on Tuesday, April 15, 2025

Session ID:
0 / 25
Credit Type & Fee 
Date Time Location
4/22/2025 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM AEA 10 - 33rd Avenue Facility - 33rd Avenue
1120 33rd Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, 52404
4401 Sixth Street SW, Cedar Rapids IA 52404 | Phone 319-399-6700 |
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